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  • Raising climate ambitions in Hong Kong

Raising climate ambitions in Hong Kong

Through research, media promotion and community engagement, our partner, CarbonCare InnoLab (CCIL) is raising Hong Kong’s ambitions for climate action and just transition.


Founded in 2014, CCIL is an independent community NGO which strives to turn pessimism about climate change into an optimistic vision of a more engaged and participatory society. By innovating, educating and taking practical action, it hopes to encourage a more resilient and sustainable economy – one that can benefit everyone.

Kicked off in 2018, our partnership supports research and reporting by the CarbonCare InnoLab on the state of climate action in Hong Kong.

A current initiative measures Hong Kong’s performance against the spirit and letter of the Paris Climate Agreement over several years. It will assess Hong Kong’s year-on-year progress and compare it with that of other neighbouring cities.

Alongside this study, the project will encourage dialogue through citizen community forums in different districts. By improving young people’s awareness of social issues it will help break down silos, and by educating them about sustainability policy it will empower them to play a more effective role at international events like COP27. The goal is to ensure that climate action and social justice go hand in hand.

Porticus partner: CarbonCare InnoLab