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  • Pioneering quality early childhood care and education in Vietnam

Pioneering quality early childhood care and education in Vietnam

OneSky's whole child initiative is revolutionising day care and early learning for some of the most deprived children.

Factory labourers bring prosperity to Vietnam, but access to early education for the estimated 1.2 million children in industrial zones is severely limited. Over 74% of migrant labourers' children aged 3-5 do not attend any formal preschool programme. Many parents turn to private, unregulated day care centres where standards and safety are alarming. Every year, over 4,000 cases of neglect, abuse and even death are reported.

In the hope of delivering dramatic and lasting improvements to this situation, we have supported OneSky’s whole child initiative since 2018. The programme has set up an Early Learning Centre in Da Nang – the first of its kind in Vietnam – to deliver daily infant and preschool care in a stimulating learning environment. With this Centre as a flagship and training centre, we're also increasing local care capacity by training home-based day care providers with proven pedagogical practices. With the concrete results achieved so far, the Vietnam government has formally invited OneSky to scale the programme to 19 other provinces in Vietnam.

4.19 Preschool Children Playing Courtesy OneSky

Infant and preschool care in a stimulating learning environment.