• stories
  • Music healing rifts all over the world

Music healing rifts all over the world

Musicians without Borders (MwB) uses the power of music to reconcile differences, build communities and heal the wounds of war. 

Founded in 1999 by a community of socially-engaged musicians, this pioneering initiative explores the art of music in safe spaces where isolation can be overcome and empathy, compassion, creativity and connection can emerge.  

MwB currently runs projects in conflict and post-conflict regions, working with local organisations, musicians and leaders. Based on successful projects in the Balkans (Kosovo), the Middle East (Palestine), Central Eastern Africa (Rwanda, Uganda), Central America (El Salvador) and Western Europe (Northern Ireland, Greece, Italy, Bosnia, Germany, the Netherlands), MwB has developed a multi-stage music leadership training programme, training musicians worldwide to apply their art to building peace and social justice.  

An internationally acclaimed example of MwB's peace-building work is the Mitrovica Rock School. In the ethnically divided city of Mitrovica, Kosovo, socialising between Serb and Albanian ethnicities is still considered a taboo. Started in 2008, the Rock School unites more than 200 young musicians from both ethnicities to share their passion for rock music and to break the social barriers inherited from previous, but still dormant, conflicts.  

4.9 Rock Band Musicians Without Borders Copyright Andy Aitchison

One of the Mitrovica Rock School bands in Mitrovica, Kosovo