Porticus strives for a world where whole child development (WCD) is a force for inclusion for children in extreme adversity. That is why we have chosen to focus on building inclusive education systems where social-emotional skills are a key enabler for children who have been displaced and children on the margin of school systems to develop to their full potential.
Within our new Building Future Generations strategy, approved in 2023, Porticus re-commits its support to education systems - both formal and non-formal - and systemic actors within national, international and humanitarian responses, to embed socio-emotional learning (SEL) and mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) in the service of displaced and host community learners, and the education workforce that serves them.
Between 2023 and 2027, we will offer our financial and other resources for technical assistance, convening, coordination, collaboration and partnership brokering, with a focus on contributing to addressing the educational needs of displaced and host community learners in Lebanon, Jordan, Kenya and the Rohingya response in Bangladesh. We will also support relevant global and international organizations, initiatives, mechanisms and networks aimed at change on the ground.
Broadly speaking, we pledge to:
Within this broader framework, we will more specifically direct our resources towards the following:
Meaningful Participation:
Coordination and Collaboration:
Data and Evidence: