Targeting retail investors in the UK, Energise Africa facilitates loans for pioneering companies that install solar systems in homes in sub-Saharan Africa.
Lack of energy access limits people's economic potential and quality of life. Of the nearly 1 billion people without access to electricity worldwide, 600 million live in sub-Saharan Africa. So far, traditional financial institutions have been slow to respond to the call for investments in a clean energy infrastructure. Two online impact investing platforms, Ethex and Lendahand, joined forces to create Energise Africa to fill part of the investment gap. Targeting retail investors in the UK, Energise Africa facilitates loans for pioneering companies that install solar systems in homes in sub-Saharan Africa. This brings clean energy and economic opportunities to families and at the same time aims to generate a financial return for investors.
Good Energies Foundation supports Energise Africa in exploring effective ways to incentivise retail investors, including match funding and guarantees. Each euro of foundation money invested with such tools has so far leveraged more than two euros from private investors. Energise Africa’s learning on impact investing will be shared in the sector and could create opportunities for engaging retail investors in other geographies. Ultimately, by supporting partners like Energise Africa, we want to help bridge the investment gap and provide people worldwide with access to clean energy.
Learn more about Energise Africa.
Photo courtesy: Energise Africa.